We specialize in several disciplines of firearms training; disaster and emergency preparedness; intelligence planning; medical skills; and tactics. If you are an absolute beginner, concerned citizen, or a seasoned-veteran, consider attending our classes, clinics, or private and group instruction to help us achieve your training and preparedness goals.
Schedule Appointment
All estimates are free and flexible according to materials and scheduling.
Who We Are
We are a team of passionate instructors who strive for educational and service excellence. We endeavor to tailor your experience based on your needs and stated goals
Our focus is on beginner and intermediate-level students who wish to gain a solid foundation or pierce through performance plateaus
Services Overview - see page tabs for additional information
CCW & Firearms Training
Concealed Carry Weapons Training (Nevada, Utah, Florida)
Specialized Firearms Training (Pistol, Rifle/Carbine, Low Light, etc.)
Small Unit Tactics & Individual Movement Techniques
NRA Firearms Training/Certification
Customizable Private & Group Training
Preparedness & Intelligence Training
Medical Training
Radio Training
Land Navigation Training
Disaster Preparedness Training
Intelligence Training
Critical Thinking
Consulting Services
Physical Security Site Assessments
Disaster Preparedness Assessments
Community Study and Threat Assessments
Efficient Gear & Equipment Selection